Thursday, November 1, 2007

Quote of the Day

Obviously, you guys know me, and therefore know that quotes move me. I've recently been feeling that there are ideas, projects, creative things that keep encircling my mind, but i seem to keep putting them off or fear starting them for some reason. However, today I read a quote that seemed to speak to me ...

"One of the reasons why so few of us act, instead of reacting, is that we are continually stifling our deepest impulses." -- Henry Miller

I know I do this just to get through the day, just to make my mind stop questioning, worrying, etc. every moment of the day. I try to numb it -- through TV, work, social events, and the like; but what really inspires me, and when i really feel at my best is when i'm creating something. whether writing a letter, creating a journal entry, even posting on this blog makes me feel accomplished and therefore alive.

so, thanks for listening to this and giving me a place to discuss the big and silly matters of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.