Thursday, November 8, 2007

Writers' Strike

I don't know about any of you but the writers' stike is really putting a cramp in my year. According to TV Guide - thanks Ausiello! - LOST may not be back on until 2009! What am I supposed to do until then? Sit on my couch, twiddle my thumbs, drink my Smirnoff Twisted Apple - so good, it tastes like apple juice - and debate (inside my head) whether Juliet is good or bad? Make up fake scenarios about the return of Cynthia Watros's Libby? And don't forget that MICHAEL was coming back!! This is a nightmare.

I can live without those housewives for a little bit. Not those bitches from Orange County, the other ones. The real ones. Although I have to admit that this season, DH has been almost captivating! I can probably live without the Walker family but come on, you know you want to know if Uncle Saul really IS gay. And will Kitty really get married? But no LOST? Seriously? No guessing whether what we are watching is a flashback or a flash forward? And can I go back to Juliet?? Who IS she?

I can deal with not knowing if Henry leaves NYC to go be a dad. I don't really care if Alexis ever talks to Bradford again. And will Claire ever go back to jail? Who cares. Well, that's a lie, I totally care - Judith Light is fantastic.

What about those Darling's that I have grown to love in the past month? Who did kill Nick George's father? Will we ever find out who Ted Moseby's wife is? Will Leonard hook up with Penny for real? Will James the gravedigger get to use BOTH the immunity idols? Will Kourtney fall apart b/c she is clearly anorexic? OH, actually Survivor is reality, so we will get the answers to both of those questions. I feel a bit better.

But what about George and Izzie? Is that for real? Ava and Alex? Is THAT for real? And Dr. lesbian. But will we find out?

No more Penelope or Bronx Beat? Christmas is coming up. What am I going to do without the Target lady smelling my candles?

I guess for now I'm going too suck it up and deal with the fact that there may not be any Christmas candle smelling this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what is up with Gizzie indeed?
does Shondaland not think we know he's gay?