“Axel,” the girl one bench over is practically screaming into her phone. “Axel. A-X-E-L. I guess she had the baby. I saw it on Facebook. Isn’t that a weird name?! Axel Joseph. I thought it the name was going to be Brian. Or Matt. But Axel? Wow…” she babbles on.
From the girl’s complete shock I can tell she must not watch The Middle, where the oldest kid is, in fact, named Axel. Though if we’re going to get technical I’m pretty sure on the show the name is spelled Axl. And quite frankly, if I’m making snap judgments based on her loud very pubic phone call I’d have to say she’s probably not from around here, probably from the middle, and probably should be watching The Middle. I don’t know if it’s her thick Michigan accent that gives it away, or her next phone call. As she chats I hear “I’m in Teddy Roosevelt Park near the train station.” Hmm, okay, but not quite the way I’d describe it.
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